Parent Support Organizations

  • El Grupo Vida – es un grupo de padres Hispanos/Latinos formado para dar apoyo mutuo a las personas con discapacidades o necesidades especiales, sus padres, familia, y tutelas.
  • Family Voices – provides parents with the information they need to navigate complex health care systems in order to get things like wheelchairs, oxygen, or surgery for their children.
  • Parent to Parent – connects families of sons and daughters with disabilities or special healthcare needs to emotional and informational supports.
  • Peak Parent Center – nonprofit that works to ensure all people with disabilities are fully included in their neighborhood schools, communities, employment, and all walks of life.
  • Thrive Center – Thrive’s mission is to inform and empower all families (particularly low-income) culturally and linguistically diverse families as advocates for their children with disabilities to achieve meaningful participation in their schools and communities.

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