Home and Community-Based Services Waivers

HCBS Settings Rule Resources –  The HCBS Settings Rule makes sure you have basic rights when you receive services. Before, a lot of people weren’t getting these basic rights. Now you have more power to challenge service providers and make full use of our right to community living through learning about the Settings Rule!


Adult (to people ages 18 and above):

Myths vs Facts on the Developmental Disabilities Waiver – There are a lot of myths out there about the DD waiver. How do you know what to believe?

Community Mental Health Supports Waiver (CMHS) – The Home and Community-Based Services Community Mental Health Supports Waiver(CMHS) provides assistance to people with a mental illness that require long-term supports and services in order to remain in a community setting.

Health First Colorado Buy-In Program – The Health First Colorado Buy-In Program for Working Adults with Disabilities lets adults with a disability who qualify to “buy-into” Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid Program). If you work and earn too much to qualify for Health First Colorado you may qualify.


Children (0-18 years of age):

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