Sex Ed Class with Planned Parenthood

The Arc Arapahoe, Douglas & Elbert Counties 6538 S. Racine Circle, Centennial, CO

The Arc Arapahoe & Douglas Counties will partner with Planned Parenthood for this class suitable for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) 16 years and older. The intent is to promote sexually healthy, educated young men and women. This course will be held online, via Zoom. The course will provide a supportive, safe, and...

Read more about Sex Ed Class with Planned Parenthood

Parent/Caregiver Zoom Support Group – Dads and Disability #2

The Arc Arapahoe, Douglas & Elbert Counties 6538 S. Racine Circle, Centennial, CO

Join us for our ongoing “Zoom Support Groups” on Tuesday, Aug 25, 2020 at 7 PM. We will be focusing on how kids with disabilities change what it means to be a dad. Please join us as we support each other with tips and tricks for surviving the pandemic and share stories for what is...

Read more about Parent/Caregiver Zoom Support Group – Dads and Disability #2

Would You Rather…?

Online (Zoom)

Come place your votes and join the conversation about the unimportant things in life. About this Event Would you rather have the ability to fly or read minds? Fight 100 duck sized horses or one horse sized duck? Would you rather eat a whole onion or a can of sardines? Join us for the classic...

Read more about Would You Rather…?

No Parent/Caregiver Zoom Support Group

The Arc Arapahoe, Douglas & Elbert Counties 6538 S. Racine Circle, Centennial, CO

Due to the holiday there is no support group this week.


Online (Zoom)

Come place your votes and join the conversation about the unimportant things in life. About this Event Who would win: A jet-pack wearing kindergarten class that can breathe fire Or A three story tall pirate swinging a shark on a chain? It is your job to make the case! Take turns arguing why your randomly...

Read more about Superfight