Written By: Jonah Berger
Batter Up! Our own Two-Way Street Project hit the road again, partnering this month with Sports Made Possible; a local non-profit that creates adaptive softball games for kids in the area with various disabilities.
The Two-Way Street crew went to volunteer and support the players in batting, fielding, and having the time of their lives.
What a fun day. Getting to see how much fun can be had when certain simple adaptations are made. The fun and purity of a good ole softball game, complete with announcer and adoring fans in the stands, was in the air and simply contagious.
The best part of it all was that everyone in attendance was able to see how people with special needs can do far more than receive volunteerism, they can give it.
The Two Way Street was supportive and encouraging and helped to make the game sing. The magic was there as always and the benefits of our participation, were two-way!
The Project has an adventure every month and we are always happy to have more on board. Don’t miss this chance to learn about the non-profits doing good, support their efforts, and make some friends as we go! For more information and to become a part of the Two-Way Street Project, please contact Kim Tenure at 720-457-1032 or email kim@kenahosting.com.
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